Monday, October 18, 2010

Foot Pain Solutions

Here is a great article about the benefits of foot orthotics.  At our office we are able to make an inpression of your foot and send it to a lab where they create a custom insert with just the right prescription to fix one or more foot problems.  One way to think of foot orthotics is like glasses which are made specifically for your needs and worn everyday to help you stay active and healthy.

Call us today at 817-400-2004 if you think you might need orthotics.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Foot News For October!

Dr Pendleton, DPM

Fort Worth / North Texas women's feet hurt more in autumn

            Lake Worth, Tx October 1st; Autumn is a painful time of year for many Tarrant County women.

            As they transition from open-toed sandals to closed-in boots and shoes, foot and ankle surgeon Russell Pendleton, DPM, AACFAS, says he notices more women seeking relief for painful bunions.  Dr. Pendleton has offices in Lake Worth and Saginaw.  He says this trend plays out in the examining rooms of many foot and ankle surgeons every autumn.

            "Some of my female bunion patients are in agony," says Dr. Pendleton. "They describe a constant, throbbing pain, even when they take their shoes off."

While the changing weather brings more bunion patients into his office, Dr. Pendleton says some women inquire about surgery in the fall because they're less busy than in summer months. Many are also closer to meeting their insurance deductibles.

He emphasizes that surgery is a last-resort treatment for women with painful bunions.

"For many women, simple changes like wearing shoes with wider toe boxes can significantly reduce bunion pain," he says. "Custom shoe inserts, gel- or foam-filled padding and anti-inflammatory medications may also provide pain relief."

When the pain of a bunion interferes with a woman's daily activities, it's time to discuss surgical options, according to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

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